The Om
What if we merge Psychology- the study of the psyche (Greek word for “soul”)
Cosmology- the study of the cosmos (Greek word “kosmos” meaning “order of the world)
Merging these two fields of study one unified approach would make sense if we assumed that consciousness and that which it perceives are the same thing. What would happen if we investigate this as the root of both mind and matter? Would we stumble upon the centre of reality itself?
What is the name of this?
What is it?
What is, the “It”?
The materialists say all there is, is the “It.”
The “It” is just “It.”
The Jews say, the “It” is you.
The “It” is the “I am”. God in the Old Testament is called, “Yahweh,” Ancient Hebrew for YHWH, which means “I am.” This is what God names himself when talking to Moses through the burning bush. In response to Moses asking what he should call him, Yahweh said, “I Am Who I Am.” When we utter these words, we are the divine consciousness embodied in humanity.
The Hindus say the “It”, is actually two separate things; existing as both the “It” and the “I Am.” The Atman ( Sanskrit for Self Within) and the Brahman (Sanskrit for ultimate reality).
These concepts are two sides of the same coin and commonly interpreted as matter and mind.
The “It” and the “I am.”
Is there anything between the “It” and the “I Am”?
What is this Thing between the subject and the object?
What is the subjective and the objective? Within what vessel is the subjective perceiving the objective?
This focus is not quite ontology since it’s also incorporating that which is beyond being, and not quite physicalism since it includes the realm of the non-physical.
What is this investigation?